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5 important lessons kids can learn from their grandparents

Grandparents hold a very high place in our family and society. As the elders of the family, we look at them for advice, guidance, and blessings. It might sound clichéd, but they hold the family together. When they stay with you, it’s like you have another set of parents. They love you, care for you, protect you, and teach you valuable things.

Being older, they have tonnes of life experience which they impart with great happiness. In this blog, we want to remind you about all the goodness that grandparents bring with them.

So, here are 5 important lesson grandparents can teach

1. Learn something new every day

Our grandparents are from an earlier generation and the way things worked back then are most probably not the way things work now but that is not necessarily a bad thing. Because of this, our grandparents know how to do things that we may not know. For example, they can teach us how to cook traditional dishes, knitting, learning to play chess, learn our mother tongue better etc.

2. Wisdom and advice

This may sound very vague, but grandparents give us great wisdom and advice. Their life experiences help us understand relationships, friendships, religion, and other things very well. They impart their knowledge in such a way that we not only understand it but also accept it. Their imparted wisdom helps us in navigating our life better.

3. History

The joy of learning about our history is greater when our grandparents are the ones to narrate it. They have enthralling stories about the past. They tell us stories of our country, our family, about our culture, heritage, and society. They also narrate to us their life experience in difficult situations from their past, making us aware of the struggles of the bygone time. They also recount tales of the family member’s escapades; your father, uncles, and aunts were naughty too!

4. Good Manners and Respect

When you live with your grandparents, there is a certain decorum you must maintain. They might love us unconditionally but they also don’t tolerate disrespect. They correct you when you are wrong and help you when need to understand your ill behaviour. Being with them will teach you how to respect all elders, how to help them with their daily activities, and most of all, they teach us how to be polite and caring.

5. Life skills

Life skills include resilience, patience, gratitude, honesty, hard work, humour, self-confidence, discipline, unconditional love etc. When we look at the lives of our grandparents, it is the culmination of all these above things and more. Their advice and stories are a testament to their struggle and victory in life and as grandchildren, we can greatly benefit from such vital skills that they teach us.
These are a few things that you master from your grandparents. Being older, they have seen life pass in front of their eyes and stood strong in the face of difficulties. They make for great role models and one should always respect them. So, this summer, take time out for your grandparents; you will be amazed at the things you will learn from them.