Sanskriti - Best School in Hyd

Bus Etiquettes for Kids

Schooldays! Remember the good old days, when we used to have a lot of fun during the bus journey to school? The endless chatting, laughter, gossip, fights, games and a lot of other memories are something that all of us cherish and reminisce.

Today, it is your little one’s turn to do the same! Here are a few points to be kept in mind in order to have a wonderful and a fun-filled bus journey:

1.Before getting on the bus:

●Arrive 5 minutes early at the bus stop and make sure that your kid stays on the sidewalk. During the first few days, accompany them to the bus stop so that they understand the process of boarding the bus. In this way they will later be able to do it independently.
●Teach them basic road rules, so that they can board the school bus cautiously. Ensure they stay alert upon the bus’ arrival and stay at a safe distance from it to prevent any accident.
●Keep in mind that your child should board the bus only after it has come to a complete halt and not while it is moving.
●While climbing on, children must hold the handrail and go in safely.

2.After boarding the bus:

●Ask your child to find a seat and settle down before the bus starts to move to prevent from falling down and getting injured.
● It is expected from kids to have fun and chat with their peers in the bus. Tell them to keep their voices to a minimum, so that the bus driver does not get distracted while driving.
●Tell your kids to not eat any food in the bus as they can litter the bus and throw waste from windows.
●Educate your kids on taking care of their belongings to prevent them from getting stolen.

3.After getting down from the bus:

●Upon arrival at school, ask your child to wait until the bus comes to a complete halt and only then get down from the bus, holding the handrail. Never let your child get down in haste or push other kids while getting down as everyone could get hurt.
●Children must walk at least 5-10 feet ahead of the bus to cross the street. In this way, the bus driver will be able to see them cross the street.

Following these etiquettes will keep your child safe, independent, boost their confidence and have a great school bus experience to cherish upon in their later age.