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How to deal with your child’s bad grades

It is the dream of every parent that his child thrives well academically. However, sometimes, things take an unexpected turn. Children who have been excellent performers sometimes come home with bad grades or a child might consistently under perform.

No doubt, as a parent, it can be quite unsettling for you to face the situation, however, it is important to tackle the situation with a lot of patience and love. Here are some tips to deal with your child’s grades:

1. Never scold your child

● While these can be difficult times for you as a parent to face your child’s bad grades, you need to handle the situation well.

● Always abstain from scolding and shouting at your kid. While this certainly won’t do any good to help his grades, it might prompt the kid to turn rebellious or in the worst case, seek seclusion, shutting off from within.

● Express your trust in your child and show your love and concern in the difficult phase. Remember, it is even more difficult for the kid than it is for you to handle!

2. Patience pays

● Screaming, yelling or lecturing your kid will not help either. This will only create a situation where your child would eventually turn reluctant in speaking with you and sharing his problems.

● Let your child know how much you still love him despite everything and how you’ll always be there for him, no matter what. This will greatly boost their self-confidence and morale in the difficult times.

● Inspire your child with inspirational thoughts and quotes. Tell them how it does not matter if you fail, what really matters is your will and zeal to stand up every time you fail.

3. Never, ever compare

● Comparison of a child’s grades with his peers or neighbors is the worst thing that can be done.

● Each and every child is unique and has his own strengths and talents. It is unfair to compare a lion with a tiger, for example.

● Let him take his time to speak up on his own. Help him achieve a calm state of mind, so he’s ready to share his thoughts and bottled-up emotions and problems. You only need to wait and be caring.

4. Discuss with the teachers

● Set up a meet with the teachers to discuss the areas in which your child needs help.

● Look out for possible solutions from the teachers to help with your kid’s performance.

● You never know, there might be some issues that need your immediate attention you never knew of.

● It is important to develop a good rapport with the child’s teachers since they observe the child’s behavior in the classroom and will be able to help with the problem of your child getting bad grades.

5. Bad grades: Find out why this happened

● Sit down with your kid and speak with him in an understanding tone. Inquire about their life, what’s going on at school, and what might be the possible causes of his falling grades.

● Does he have problems with managing time? Is there something bothering him at school? Is he handling too much peer-pressure? Are the teachers cooperative?

● Ask him if he needs additional help and support with particular subjects.

● Work out a plan to help your child considering the problems he has been facing.

● It is important to not push your child into speaking about his falling grades. Comfort him and offer help to encourage him to speak his mind. Assure him you’re always there for him and have full trust in his capabilities.

Putting Strings Together

There’s nothing shameful about bad grades. Throughout history, great men and women including Einstein were never top achievers or good with grades in school.

Share such inspirational stories with your child in these difficult times when they’re battling self-confidence issues and tell them how much you love and trust them. Create a plan, which has a designated time for play, learning, reading, homework, TV, internet, or any of his other favorite activities and hobbies.

It is important to balance all things well, for all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Take your child into your confidence- assurance is the key. They should understand that you are always there for them, no matter what.