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Do Your Kids Know Everything About Road Safety

You or your spouse may be safe drivers, taking into consideration and adhering to all road safety regulations. But remember all drivers may not be as aware and disciplined. No wonder the statistics of road accidents are rising by the hour!

Since we can’t train the whole world, it’s best to teach our children road safety rules that will protect them from fluke accidents. Yes, the rules are mundane and some are the very obvious ones too! However, as parents we need to make them a big deal to ensure they are absorbed best!

Here’s what we have to reiterate and reinforce.

1. Walk Only on the Pavement

Always have an adult accompany your child while walking on the road!
● Children need to stick to the pavement and never walk on the road unless accompanied by an adult.
● Parents accompanying kids should hold their hands to ensure they don’t wander or run.
● Set an example for children by always using the walking path yourself.
● It’s important to make kids aware of other pedestrians and cyclists.

2. Running on the Street is a big NO

● This one can be hard to implement but is most cardinal. Parents need to be very firm about this rule.
● No matter how restless kids get, they have to stick by adults and not run ahead of them.
● Teach children to stay calm on roads and never sprint.

3. Traffic Lights and Road Signs

● Yes, we know your child is aware of the traffic lights but is that enough? It’s important we adhere to
these rules so as to drill the same in our children.
● While we all teach ‘Red’ means ‘Stop’ and ‘Green’ means ‘Go’, it’s vital to acquaint kids with the Yellow
traffic signal as well. Yellow calls for slowing down and preparing to stop instead of speeding up. This
is a reminder to all parents as well.
● We all merrily sing the traffic light rhymes but what about the road signs? The internet is flooded with
road sign tutorials and images. Take the time out to teach kids the crucial road signs.
● When on the roads, test their knowledge at regular intervals to reinforce the learning.

4. Stop, Look and Cross

Cross roads only at zebra crossings, after looking on both sides of the road
● As they grow up, children may require crossing the road on their own. Ask them to always use the
pedestrian crossing.
● Never cross between stationary vehicles or bends.
● Look towards your right and then left. Now cross with care.

5. Maintaining Focus and Awareness

● It is rather easy for kids to get distracted. Inculcate the habit of being agile on the road.
● Teach the importance of being aware of their surroundings at all times.
● Teach them to balance between chatting with friends and norms of road safety.
● Refrain usage of earphones to listen to music or talk on the phone while on the road.

6. Listen Attentively

● While on the road, you may not always be able to see an oncoming vehicle. So it’s crucial to pay
attention to sounds.
● Vehicles usually use the horn at bends or road intersections. Teach children to stop the moment they hear
the sound of a horn.
● Train them to be alert to the sound of an engine. Help them understand that a loud sound indicates the
vehicle is close by, while a faint one signifies it’s far.

7. No Sticking Hands Outside the Vehicle

● This is a common occurrence in school buses. It is highly dangerous and children should be strictly
cautioned against it.
● Teach them never to put their hand, arm or head out of a vehicle. It may be fun but can lead to
disastrous consequences.

8. Safety on Bicycles

Make use of every safety precaution while you are riding a bicycle
● If your child uses the bicycle to ride to school or just around the neighbourhood, ensure he/she wears a
helmet while riding.
● Ask them to ride on the extreme left of the lane.
● Teach them to make way for larger and faster vehicle.
● Check if the brakes of the bicycle are in good condition.

Remember we cannot be with our children as saviours at all times. While parents take care of children at home, teachers take on the responsibility at school. But what happens when they are alone?
It’s best to teach them rules that propagate sufficiency and self protection. Don’t’ compromise on this one and most importantly, teach them young!