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With technological advances, online learning will be the future of education. Online learning is a form of learning where students learn through the internet. This type of learning presents additional challenges. Keeping students in line can be a little tricky. A disciplinary approach is no longer an option as they can tune out quickly. Facing the challenges of learning in a new environment for the students can be difficult. The key is to enhance student engagement in your online learning. So here are five ways to ensure engagement in an online class:

  1. Providing practical learning opportunities: A common misconception about online learning is that students sit in front of their computers. It might be true if the course is designed that way, but one of the best ways to engage online learners is to get them out of their chairs and get them involved in active learning. Few examples of active learning could be asking students to participate in various class activities, case studies, group projects, gathering local data, etc. Using practical activity can help structure a lesson and improve engagement and knowledge retention.
  2. Make learning creative: Many teachers make online learning creative that adds spice to their courses and engages students in education. Add various activities into making learning creative. Ask students to make creative boards or make them get creative while giving a presentation, etc., the right mix of knowledge and creativity helps students be innovative and encourages them to learn new things. Creative expression plays a crucial role in a student’s emotional development.
  3. Self-assessment opportunities: Providing opportunities for self-assessment allows students to take responsibility for their learning. Providing input for their grade, taking charge of their education can be motivating and sometimes a humbling experience. Building their learning plans can be used to encourage students and motivate them.
  4. Flip classroom for deeper discussion: A flipped classroom is the type of blended learning where students are introduced to new learning content at home and practice it working through at the school. In this learning approach, face-to-face interaction is mixed with an independent study via technology. The central concept behind the flipped classroom is to rethink the access students have to the resources they need to learn. Asking students to learn the topic beforehand helps the teachers to clarify concepts in a more targeted way and assist the students better.
  5. Asking students for feedback: continuous improvement is vital for teachers to develop their skills teaching online. The best way to do this is by preparing a small questionnaire or simply asking students what they would like the classes to design courses. This makes the students feel seen and wanted, which makes everyone enjoy the classes. Asking for feedback improves instruction and meets the needs of your students. Feedback can improve the effectiveness of online classes.

While learning online can be difficult for the students, teachers’ adapting new learning methods can always be helpful. Stay safe & Happy Learning.