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Rainy Season – Diseases and Precautions

The monsoons certainly usher a respite from the scorching summer heat, but unfortunately, they also bring along various woes. The rainy season heightens the risk of catching several diseases, many of which remain undiagnosed until they escalate to undesirable complications.

Therefore, it is highly essential to adhere to hygiene norms and take preventive measures. This blog looks at some highly prevalent diseases during this season. It may be advisable to gain awareness of the signs and employ precautions to keep your family safe.


The common cold is the most common health issue in the monsoons. It is a viral infection that infects the upper respiratory system. Symptoms include runny or stuffy nose, throat irritation, sore throat, body ache, and fever. Viral infections are generally self-limiting and do not require antibiotics unless there is an onset of a secondary disease. However, a visit to the physician can help ease the symptoms.

The most effective way of preventing common cold is developing one’s immune system. Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet to build your body resistance. Since it is a highly contagious disease, take precautions while in proximity to an infected individual.

Viral Fever

.Sudden fluctuations in temperature can cause viral fever. The characteristic symptoms include fever, chills, body ache, and fatigue. The average duration of viral fever is about 3 to 7 days. The illness is most severe in the first three days.

OTC drugs in consultation with the physician, antihistamines, decongestants, and antipyretic medicines are beneficial for treatment. Here are some precautions to keep you safe.


The escalated humidity levels result in the rapid breeding of disease-causing bacteria. Gastroenteritis and food poisoning are highly common during the monsoons. The general symptoms are cramps in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, and body weakness.

Patients must keep themselves well hydrated. ORS, coconut water, and rice kanji water are vital in treatment. The preventive measures are


This disease is almost synonymous with monsoons. Clogged water promotes the mosquito breeding process. The characteristic signs include fever, chills, sweating, and body pain. Anti-malarial drugs are mandatory for the cure. Some precautions can be taken to avoid the illness.



Dengue fever can be life-threatening. Although a virus causes the disease, the carrier is a mosquito. The characteristic signs are a headache, fever, swollen lymph nodes, joint and muscle pain. Complications can result in haemorrhage and circulatory collapse.

Administration of pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs is the solution. Platelet count needs a constant check. Rest and fluid intake are important. The preventions include

Cholera is a deadly bacterial disease caused by contaminated food and water. Common signs involve diarrhoea with watery stool, muscle cramps, and vomiting. In severe cases, it can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Intake of ORS is highly necessary.

The preventive steps include drinking clean water, improvised sanitation, and frequent hand washing.


Typhoid is another waterborne bacterial infection that is very common during the monsoons. The causal agent is contaminated food and water. Symptoms of the disease are high fever, headache, pain in the abdomen, and vomiting. Antibiotics are essential for treatment.

Precautions are mandatory concerning better sanitation and clean drinking water.

Hepatitis A

This disease is rated highly infectious and can spread through flies. The causal agent is again contaminated food and water. The primary symptom is inflammation of the liver.

There is no specific treatment for this disease. The liver takes about six months to heal. Rest is the only alternative and good hygiene the only precaution.


After a hot and sultry day, the rain is desirable. But the rainy season weakens our immune system leading to various air and water-borne diseases. It is wise to be aware why our body is vulnerable during the monsoons and how to keep one safe and protected.