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Daycare safety checklist for parents – Know how safe your child is

Worried about finding a suitable daycare center for your children? We have it covered. Click here for details.

Leaving out little kids at daycare is like leaving a piece of our heart behind – it is overwhelming and emotional. It is also quite worrying because you are trusting strangers to take care of your children while you are working. But, by following a stringent checklist while selecting a daycare center, you can eliminate risks and breathe a sigh of relief.

How to keep your child safe at daycare – A checklist

We have curated a few pointers to help you pick the right daycare so that you know your child’s always safe and in good hands when you are away.

License and Certification

The first thing to look for is if the daycare center is licensed and certified by the state. This means that they have met specific standards and are regularly inspected to ensure that they meet the minimum requirements for child care.

Safety Measures

Check the entire premises for the safety measures they have in place such as smoke detectors, fire alarms, CCTV, and emergency exits. Make sure they have a plan in place for emergency situations and that all staff members are trained in emergency procedures.

Staff Qualifications

Ensure that the staff members are trained and qualified to care for children. They should have a background check, first aid certification, and child care training. It’s important to ask about the staff-to-child ratio and how many staff members will be present during the day. If possible, speak to the staff members. It will give you an idea of how responsible and compassionate they are.

Health and Hygiene

Health is, of course, the number 1 priority. The daycare center must have a clean and hygienic environment for children to play and learn in. They should also have policies for dealing with illnesses, such as having a separate room for sick children and regular hand washing and sanitising procedures.


Ensure that the daycare center provides nutritious meals and snacks for children. Ask about the menu and if they cater to children with special dietary needs.

Outdoor Play Area

Check the outdoor play area for safety. It should be fenced, have soft and safe play equipment, and be free of any hazards.

Discipline Policy

Under no circumstances must the center use physical punishment. They may be firm when necessary but fair and gentle. Speak to the authorities about this and be sure that scolding and hitting children is not a part of their disciplinary measures.


A pre-primary school that doubles as a daycare center is the best bet, according to us, because it helps children learn, play, and have fun in a safe environment. At Sanskriti The School, we have consciously created a nurturing space for little ones so that they embrace childhood and learning together.

For more information, please visit our website.