Sanskriti - Best School in Hyd

Winter Outdoor Play Activities for Kids

Bundle Up for a Cool Winter Adventure, Sanskriti Kids!

Though we don’t get to see snowy winters, we can still have tons of frosty fun! We have whipped up awesome outdoor activities to keep students laughing, learning and staying active when the temperatures dip.

Pull on your winter woolies and get ready to play!

Nature Walks with a Twist 🌿

Go on scavenger hunts to spot blooming flowers, make bark rubbings of trees, collect different-shaped leaves and have jumping contests over puddles. Make nature walks an exploration adventure!

Water Paint Masterpieces 🎨 

Create colorful winter art as you paint with watercolors. Draw winter birds, snowy mountains (if only!), or your wildest imagination. The art washes away but the creativity lasts!

Feed the Birds 🐦

Craft bird feeders by recycling old containers and get a bird’s eye view of nature. Watch sparrows, parakeets and maybe even an eagle stop by for a snack as you learn about caring for our feathered friends. 

Have a Picnic Party! 🧺 

Break out snacks and games for a fun winter picnic on the field. Play catch, three-legged races and other activities to get your hearts pumping and smiles glowing.

Grow a Winter Garden 🌱

Dig in as winter is prime time for gardening! Plant veggie seeds and water them daily. Make sure your tomatoes, peas and carrots get lots of sun. Getting your hands dirty is the best way to learn.

Strike a Yoga Pose ☀️ 

Stand tall like a tree, breathe deep and stretch out in the sunshine with outdoor yoga. Try balancing poses and say “namaste” to a winter wellness boost. 

Keep our Community Clean 🧼

Join sanitation drives to keep neighborhoods looking neat. We take pride in keeping our surroundings litter-free and inspiring others to do the same.

Let’s make this winter one for the books, Sanskriti kids! We’ve got a chill season of exploration, adventure and fun waiting for you.


Warm Regards,

Team Sanskriti